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The Woolly Hat Knitting Club (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Woolly Hat Knitting Club (EN)

Finding happiness one stitch at a time...When Dee Blackthorn’s brother, JP, breaks both wrists not only is he in need of a helping hand – or two – but the knitting shop he owns can’t function. Sisterly duties take Dee away from her demanding job and she is unceremoniously fired amidst scandalous office rumours. Dee is certain that her hot-shot nemesis, Ben, is behind it all.Back in the village of Fenwild in JP's shop, Dee bumps into Becky, an old friend who is a new mum to a premature baby. Desperate to help Becky, Dee convinces JP to enlist his knitting pals to make tiny woolly hats to keep the little one warm. Seeing how grateful her friend is, Dee makes it her mission to help lots of other premature babies.When Ben turns up denying involvement in Dee’s sacking she is initially furious but hears him out before roping him into helping the knitting cause. But before long Dee’s good intentions backfire and she risks losing her friends, her family and Ben, who’s turned out to be not so bad after all...A feel-good romantic comedy about life, love and knitting, The Woolly Hat Knitting Club is perfect for fans of Cathy Bramley, Tilly Tennant and Carole Matthews.Poppy Dolan is simply unputdownable.’ Claudia Carroll'The feel-good book of the year' Vanessa Greene'Wonderfully warm and laugh-out-loud funny... you cannot fail to be uplifted by it.' Cressida McLaughlin'Gorgeously warm and funny... the cosiest, most charming and feel-good book I've read all year.' Victoria Fox

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Woolly Hat Knitting Club (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK94333

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