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A Funeral for an Owl (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Funeral for an Owl (EN)

A schoolyard stabbing sends wingbeats echoing from the past. One shocking event. Two teachers risk their careers to help a boy who has nothing. Three worlds intersect and collide.The best way to avoid trouble, thinks Ayisha Emmanuelle, is to avoid confrontation. As an inner-city schoolteacher, she does a whole lot of avoidance.14-year-old Shamayal Thomas trusts no one. Not the family, not the gang. And at school, trusting people is forbidden.Jim Stevens teaches history. Haunted by his own, he still believes everyone can learn from the past. History doesn’t always have to repeat itself.A powerful exploration of the ache of loss set in a landscape where broken people can heal each other.Fresh, funny, heartbreaking and real, this original and compassionate study of when to break the rules and why is perfect for fans of Maggie O'Farrell, Rachel Joyce and Ali Smith.‘If you want to laugh and cry and stamp and cheer – all in the space of a few hours – then this book is the one for you.’ Bookmuse--

Detaily o knihe

Názov: A Funeral for an Owl (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK93699

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