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K for Kara 13 - Is Anyone There? (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: K for Kara 13 - Is Anyone There? (EN)

Kara and her class are having a sleepover at the school. They are all looking forward to it. Julie brought a game called "The spirit in the glass." She says it can help you talk to ghosts. Rose and Malou think it is too scary, and when the thunder starts rumbling, Kara does not know if she finds it funny anymore, either.This is the thirteenth book in the popular series about Kara and her friends. The books are about friendships, school and getting older. It catches the audience exactly where they are. The books can be read independently of each other.-Line Kyed Knudsen (b. 1971) debuted as an author of children's books and books for YA in 2003. Since she has become one of the most popular authors for the age group in Denmark.

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Názov: K for Kara 13 - Is Anyone There? (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK93443

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