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City of Drowned Souls (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: City of Drowned Souls (EN)

When a child disappears, the clock starts ticking...Detective Elisenda Domènech has had a tough few years. The loss of her daughter and a team member; the constant battles against colleagues; the harrowing murder investigations...But it’s about to get much worse.When the son of a controversial local politician goes missing during election time, Elisenda is put on the case. They simply must solve it. Only the team also have to deal with a spate of horrifically violent break-ins. People are being brutalised in their own homes and the public demands answers. Could there be a connection? Why is nobody giving a straight answer? And why has Elisenda’s key informant vanished off the face of the earth?With the body count threatening to increase and her place in the force on the line, the waters are rising...Be careful not to drown.The stunning new instalment of the gripping Elisenda Domènech crime thrillers for readers of Ian Rankin, Henning Mankell and Andrea Camilleri.

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Názov: City of Drowned Souls (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK93323

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