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The Dark Temple (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Dark Temple (EN)

A brutal cult. A gruesome rite. A primal evil...At a remote farmhouse outside Turin, a mysterious religious exorcism goes horribly wrong, setting in motion a series of catastrophic events, that threatens to bring the world to its knees...Meanwhile, Professor Alex Harker is settling into his new life in the Templar Brotherhood, when he is suddenly whisked away to the Tower of London. There he learns of a disturbing murder, and a strange riddle hinting at a sinister truth.Now the fate of the Templars hangs in the balance, at risk from a powerful conspiracy, which, unbelievably, seems to lead back to the very source of evil: the Devil himself...A stunning conspiracy thriller you’ll have to read to believe! Perfect for fans of Scott Mariani, Chris Kuzneski and Dan Brown.-R.D. Shah spent his formative years in the north west of England before attending Rugby School in Warwickshire. At seventeen he attained his private pilot's license in Florida and shortly after attended the University of Miami where he studied motion picture & psychology before returning to the UK to work in television & leisure. He has travelled extensively throughout Europe, Russia and the Americas. R.D. holds a scuba diving license, which he gained along the shores of the Hawaiian island of Kauai. All this experience has prepared him for a career in writing. He lives in Wiltshire with his wife and young daughter.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Dark Temple (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK93263

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