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I Let Her Go (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: I Let Her Go (EN)

Some secrets should have stayed buried...Lucy Mitchell was abandoned by her mother and left to fend for herself in foster care. This is where she met Amber and Josh, but living in a strict foster home brought fears of its own. Fears that brought Amber and Lucy closer together.Amber and Lucy formed a pact. They said they would be friends for life and often found solace in the local woods to escape from their foster carer, Linda. This was a place they used to hide together, but when one day only one girl returns from the woods, a note is found saying that Amber has run away.Fifteen years later and Lucy is busy planning the wedding of her dreams with Josh until a body is found, then the trauma of Lucy’s past comes back to haunt her.Tensions mount as Lucy, Josh and Linda all have secrets to hide and distrust makes them question each other's story around Ambers disappearance. As the body's identity is soon to be exposed, life for Lucy takes a terrifying turn for the worst when a new note appears saying Lucy is next!-JA Andrews is the author of gripping twisty psychological thrillers, Mummy's Boy (2020) and You Let Him In (2020).As well as writing fiction, JA Andrews enjoys reading a mix of genres, watching various reality TV and spending time with family and friends. He is a member of the Crime Writers Association.

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Názov: I Let Her Go (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK92488

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