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The Legions of the Mist (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Legions of the Mist (EN)

An awe-inspiring account of the final days of Rome’s forgotten legion.The Ninth Hispana was once the pride of the Roman Army, wreathed in honour for numerous successful campaigns. But by the time it was joined by Centurion Justinius Corvus, it had clearly fallen on hard times.Smarting from the sting of his recent demotion, and a transfer to Britain, a land he despises, Justinius nevertheless works hard to bring to his men some of the same pride he feels as a Roman soldier.As their bond grows strong, with each other and with the occupied land, their skill in combat is tested to its limits against the forces of Vortrix, High King of the Britons. As the battle lines muster, the fate of an Army, and of a nation, will be decided...The Legions of the Mist is an earth-shattering tale of loyalty, love and war, perfect for fans of Simon Scarrow, Conn Iggulden and Ben Kane.'Damion Hunter's first novel is more than an auspicious debut; it is an extraordinary achievement' George Garrett'Her fine dramatic sense and eye for colourful detail make her an excellent historical novelist.i The Legions of the Mist/i is a pleasure to read' William Jay Smith'An excellent historical novel' Reader reviewDamion Hunter is a pseudonym of Amanda Cockrell. Along with the Centurions Trilogy, she is also the author of Pomegranate Seed, What We Keep Is Not Always What Will Stay, the historical trilogies The Deer Dancers and The Horse Catchers, and The Legions of the Mist, a Roman historical adventure novel. She lives in Roanoke, Virginia.

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Názov: The Legions of the Mist (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK90325

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