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Dreaming of Verona (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Dreaming of Verona (EN)

Verona is the City of Love. But will Suzie find romance there or, like Romeo and Juliet, will it all end in tragedy?When Suzie is hired to accompany spoiled, abrasive Lady Alexandra Tedburn on an all-expenses-paid holiday to Italy, she fears the trip will be a disaster. But she soon discovers there’s more to Alex than shopping and tantrums, and she’s determined to help her realise her potential – against Alex’s authoritarian father’s wishes.As they settle in Verona, Suzie can’t stop thinking about local artist Michael, who is still mourning his wife's tragic death. With Suzie’s future uncertain, and Michael’s past holding him back, it seems there’s no hope for romance in the city of star-crossed lovers... or is there?A gorgeously uplifting and moving story, Dreaming of Verona is the perfect read for fans of Holly Martin, Tilly Tennant and Jenny Oliver.Praise for T.A. Williams‘The characters in the story really make it exceptional...Natalie is a brilliant protagonist... and I absolutely adored her journey to self-discovery to find her new identity.’ BooksandBookends‘Wow! This is contemporary romance at its best! The writing is exquisite....And the plot is brilliantly clever, captivating, and delightful with a little bit of drama, love, loss, and of course romance.’ WhatsBetterThanBooks‘The characters are all brilliantly written, the storyline flows extremely well throughout, and I loved every bit of it.’ Fiona Wilson (#10 Goodreads reviewer UK)‘T. A. Williams has that gorgeous way of writing a feel good story...he’s absolutely backed up that men can write chick-lit.’ Reviewed The Book (Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer)

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Názov: Dreaming of Verona (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK90318

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