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The Voyage of Odysseus (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Voyage of Odysseus (EN)

Odysseus’s greatest challenge is only just beginning. The armies of Troy have been defeated, and the city lies in ruins. His oath fulfilled, Odysseus can at last sail for Ithaca and the long-awaited reunion with his family.But the gods, who were once his allies, have turned against him. Exiled with the warrior Eperitus, he is thrust into a world of seductive demi-gods and man-eating monsters. As they struggle from one supernatural encounter to another, never knowing what the next landfall will bring, their chances of ever returning home grow fainter.Tensions reach breaking point between Odysseus and his crew. Even the faithful Eperitus’s loyalties are divided. Eventually, only one hope remains. For Odysseus to see his wife and son again, he must tread the paths of the dead and descend into the pits of Hell itself...

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Názov: The Voyage of Odysseus (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK90261

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