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Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes (EN)

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Jazyk: anglický
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Vaša predajná cena: 18,50 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes (EN)

The world’s greatest gentleman thief is back and this time he must summon all his brilliance and prowess to escape the clutches of his most worthy adversary: the master English detective, Herlock Sholmes! Assisted by his trusty companion Dr Wilson, Sholmes is called to Paris to investigate crimes believed to involve the legendary debonair rogue Lupin. In The Blonde Lady, the first of the volume’s two stories, Sholmes finds himself on the trail of Lupin after a series of seamless thefts by a mysterious woman, while in The Jewish Lamp the two are drawn back into conflict after the inexplicable disappearance of an antique piece of jewellery. Will the mischievous French gentleman outsmart his determined opponent, or will Sholmes emerge victorious?

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Arsène Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK90094

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