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The Stars of San Cecilio (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Stars of San Cecilio (EN)

Lisa’s magical time at Costa Brava is about to come to an end and tomorrow she must head back to London to find work. Then, as if by fate, a handsome stranger by the name of Julio Fernandez approaches her, blowing her plans apart. He offers her a job as a governess to his young daughter, and she is thrilled at the prospect of staying and getting close to this alluring man. Yet, it seems, that she is not the only woman eager to settle herself in Senor Fernandez' life and may need to fight to claim her desires. The romantic novel written under one of Ida Pollock’s pseudonyms, Susan Barrie, promises allure and seduction for readers of all tastes.A must-read for fans of literary romance and surprising twists of fate.

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Názov: The Stars of San Cecilio (EN)

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