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B. J. Harrison Reads The Turn of the Screw (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: B. J. Harrison Reads The Turn of the Screw (EN)

A governess is hired by a bachelor to take care of his nephew and niece. She has barely arrives at the house that she starts seeing ghosts and having other supernatural visions. She decides to share her frightening experience with the maid of the house, Mrs. Grose. The maid, however, is not surprised and tells the governess that the ghosts are those of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel.
What are the ghosts doing in the house? Were Peter Quint and Miss Jessel murdered? Are they seek revenge? Will the governess stay in the house or will she run away?Find all the answers in Henry James’ most famous ghost story "The Turn of the Screw" from 1898.

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Názov: B. J. Harrison Reads The Turn of the Screw (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK88675

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