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The Armour of Achilles (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Armour of Achilles (EN)

The greatest battle needs the greatest of warriors.The siege of Troy is in its ninth year. But Troy still stands.When Agamemnon is threatened with mutiny by disillusioned troops, he changes tactics. Ordering attacks on Troy’s allies, he deprives the city of reinforcements, trade and supplies. Yet even this does not draw the Trojans out from behind their walls.Meanwhile, Odysseus, Eperitus and their men have become hardened soldiers. Odysseus just wants to return home to his island Kingdom of Ithaca. But while Agamemnon is still determined to revenge himself upon Troy for the theft of Helen by Paris, Odysseus is held by the oath that he himself created.Eperitus too is tormented: sworn to protect the very man who murdered his daughter. As the war continues, Odysseus realises that sheer numbers will never overwhelm Tory. If he is ever to return home, he must use cunning and guile to bring about its downfall...

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Názov: The Armour of Achilles (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK88530

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