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Confessions of a First-Time Mum (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Confessions of a First-Time Mum (EN)

Stevie’s life has changed beyond recognition since having her first baby. She loves being a mum, but between the isolation and being vomited on five times a day, she really wishes she had someone to talk to.With husband Ted working hard to keep the family afloat, Stevie really doesn’t want to burden him with her feelings. Turning to the internet, Stevie starts the anonymous First-Time Mum blog and blasts the rose-tinted glasses of parenthood right off her readers.In the real world, Stevie meets the formidable Nelle and gorgeous Will, along with their own little treasures, and starts to realise that being a ‘perfect mum’ isn’t everything. But when the secret blog goes viral, Stevie must make some tough choices about who she wants to be, and whether she’s ready for the world to know the truth...A perfect laugh-out-loud read for fans of The Unmumsy Mum, Laura Jane Williams and Mhairi McFarlane.Poppy Dolan is simply unputdownable.’ Claudia Carroll'The feel-good book of the year' Vanessa Greene'Wonderfully warm and laugh-out-loud funny... you cannot fail to be uplifted by it.' Cressida McLaughlin'Gorgeously warm and funny... the cosiest, most charming and feel-good book I've read all year.' Victoria Fox

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Confessions of a First-Time Mum (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK88006

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