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Second Chances in Chianti (EN)

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Vaša predajná cena: 13,99 €
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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Second Chances in Chianti (EN)

Alice thought her future was set in stone until her past came knocking...Alice Butler starred in a successful US sitcom until tensions in the cast and crew caused the show to be cancelled. Now, five years later and working towards her dream job in art history, she’s called back for a revival of the show. It can only end in disaster, surely?Flown to a villa in Chianti to meet with the rest of the cast, Alice must decide where her future lies – with her boyfriend, David, who laps up the Hollywood company, or with the mysterious Matt, who shies away from public attention?A beautiful romance set against the stunning backdrop of Tuscany, perfect for fans of Sophie Cousens, Ruth Kelly and Lorraine Wilson.Praise for T.A. Williams‘The characters in the story really make it exceptional...Natalie is a brilliant protagonist... and I absolutely adored her journey to self-discovery to find her new identity.’ BooksandBookends‘Wow! This is contemporary romance at its best! The writing is exquisite....And the plot is brilliantly clever, captivating, and delightful with a little bit of drama, love, loss, and of course romance.’ WhatsBetterThanBooks‘The characters are all brilliantly written, the storyline flows extremely well throughout, and I loved every bit of it.’ Fiona Wilson (#10 Goodreads reviewer UK)‘T. A. Williams has that gorgeous way of writing a feel good story...he’s absolutely backed up that men can write chick-lit.’ Reviewed The Book (Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer)

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Názov: Second Chances in Chianti (EN)

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