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Wife Support System (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Wife Support System (EN)

Three women. Five Kids. One HouseA debut novel that has been shortlisted for the Comedy Women in Print Prize 2020, perfect for fans of "Why Mummy Drinks" and "Has Anyone Seen My Sex Life?"Erica knows her suggestion sounds extreme, but when her nanny leaves without notice, she’s desperate...When she and Louise to move into Polly’s enormous but run-down house, they must admit that life’s much easier when the childcare and workload is shared.At first, communal living seems like the answer to all their prayers but resentment starts to grow as they judge each other’s parenting styles and bicker over cleaning, cooking and whose turn it is to buy toilet roll.As one woman falls for a handsome colleague, one resorts to spying on her husband, and another fights to keep a dark secret, they need each other more than ever. But can Polly, Louise and Erica keep their friendships strong or will their perfect mumtopia fall apart?

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Wife Support System (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK87998

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