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The Bad Boyfriends Bootcamp (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Bad Boyfriends Bootcamp (EN)

The fun-filled novel about dating and friendship perfect for fans of Laura Jane Williams, Dolly Alderton and Mhairi McFarlane.When Molly Cooper’s sweet but hopeless brother Sam comes to her with news of yet another failed romance, she offers to show him where he keeps going wrong. By teaching Sam some of the golden rules of dating, Molly helps Sam land his dream woman.Molly soon hits on the idea of turning her dating wisdom into a career. With the aid of her two best friends, it isn’t long before The Bad Boyfriends Bootcamp is off the ground, educating men in the art of texting, fashion and understanding women.Yet as Molly and co solve their clients’ problems, they soon realise that sometimes it’s easier to dish out the advice than to take it – and that maybe the rules of love are made to be broken...Poppy Dolan is simply unputdownable.’ Claudia Carroll 'The feel-good book of the year' Vanessa Greene 'Wonderfully warm and laugh-out-loud funny... you cannot fail to be uplifted by it.' Cressida McLaughlin 'Gorgeously warm and funny... the cosiest, most charming and feel-good book I've read all year.' Victoria Fox

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Bad Boyfriends Bootcamp (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK87983

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