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The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946 - 2016

Vydavateľ: Nakladatelství Karolinum (Nakladatelství Karolinum)
Formát:Elektronická kniha
Počet strán:546
Poradie vydania:1.
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Vaša predajná cena : 12,- €
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Obsah knihy: The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946 - 2016

This is a unique history of what in the 1980s was the world’s largest association in the media field. However, the IOJ was embroiled in the Cold War: the bulk of 300,000 members were in the socialist East and developing South. Hence the collapse of the Soviet-led communist order in central-eastern Europe in 1989–91 precipitated the IOJ’s demise.

The author – a Finnish journalism educator and media scholar – served as President of the IOJ during its heyday. In addition to a chronological account of the organization, the book includes testimonies by actors inside and outside the IOJ and comprehensive appendices containing unpublished documents.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946 - 2016

Objednávací kód NADBK87731

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