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There's More To Life Than Cupcakes (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: There's More To Life Than Cupcakes (EN)

A funny, feel-good novel about baking, relationships and babies, perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond, Laura Jane Williams and Mhairi McFarlane.For Ellie Redford, life is good. Her husband, Pete, is fantastic, she has great friends and an okay job at a food magazine. But according to the rest of the world, there’s one thing missing: a baby.Ellie knows Pete would make a brilliant dad and his not-so-subtle hints confirm he is keen to become one. For Ellie, it’s not so simple. Babies are cute and squishy and lovely. They also mean giving up boozy nights, Sunday lie-ins and any chance of kicking her career into gear.In search of a distraction from her dilemma, Ellie joins a class to perfect her baking where she meets Joe – handsome, single and a dab hand with a whisk. But when a bit of harmless flirting causes big problems for Ellie, she needs to decide where her heart really lies. Soon she discovers there’s no such thing as a perfect recipe for life...Poppy Dolan is simply unputdownable.’ Claudia Carroll 'The feel-good book of the year' Vanessa Greene 'Wonderfully warm and laugh-out-loud funny... you cannot fail to be uplifted by it.' Cressida McLaughlin 'Gorgeously warm and funny... the cosiest, most charming and feel-good book I've read all year.' Victoria Fox

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Názov: There's More To Life Than Cupcakes (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK87712

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