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Video-interventions - what future teachers learn

Vydavateľ: Nakladatelství Karolinum (Nakladatelství Karolinum)
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Posledná zmena: 08.01.2025 03:00

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Formát: E-KNIHA
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Obsah knihy: Video-interventions - what future teachers learn

The book deals with developing the concept of professional vision (noticing and knowledge-based reasoning) among future primary and secondary school teachers of Biology, Mathematics, English as a foreign language, Art, and Social Studies. Researching the use of video interventions during teacher-training programmes, the authors show that short-term interventions do not significantly improve professional vision, which is in contrast to student teachers’ perception of the practice. The book also uses case studies to uncover individual differences in student teachers’ learning, taking into account their various backgrounds and approaches. This is a valuable resource for teacher educators who are considering the incorporation of video-intervention courses into study programmes and for researchers interested in the development of professional vision.

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