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Among the Trees - erotic short story (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Among the Trees - erotic short story (EN)

"Sliding his hand down her belly, skimming over her hip and stroking her leg, he did as he was told and grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up to her waist. Slipping his fingers underneath it he soon found her suspender belt but nothing else. No knickers.
"I get the feeling you were planning on seducing someone tonight..." he mumbled."Harry’s new wife, a young goddess in her twenties, fought with him constantly. If they weren’t fucking they were yelling at each other. This time he deserved it though, he had forgot her 22nd birthday. But instead of letting her storm off he picked her up like the spoiled brat she was and carried her in to a more private setting, but not much more private...This erotic short story gives you hot raw sex among the trees in Hyde park.

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Názov: Among the Trees - erotic short story (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80610

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