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Memories of You - Sexy erotica (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Memories of You - Sexy erotica (EN)

"In my memories, you're clearly present. In my dreams you're real, you're mine. Your lips find mine again. Your tongue is as playful as I remember it. Your demeanour is sensual and curious. Your laugh is so spirited. Your hands are so inquisitive. Your kisses so persistent. Your body so greedy, but also yielding. I feel the warmth of you around my cock. I sense your wet and slippery clit on my fingertips, and I feel how you tighten around me, squeezing me right before you orgasm."This short story is published in collaboration with the Swedish filmproducer Erika Lust. Her intention is to depict human nature and diversity through stories of passion, intimacy, lust and love in a fusion of powerful stories and erotica.

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Názov: Memories of You - Sexy erotica (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80573

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