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A Virgin Bride (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 81) (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: A Virgin Bride (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 81) (EN)

The beautiful Lady Venetia Brook who is at a Convent school in Paris is astonished when sheis told by the Mother Superior she is to return home at once. When she arrives her father tells her he has sent for her because she is to marry the Duke of Rockinston in a fortnight‘s time. She is horrified at the idea and learns from her Godmother that the Duke, who is one of the most handsome and charming bachelors in London, has been caught red-handed leaving the Countess of Darran‘s house at three o‘clock in the morning.Her husband, the Earl, is absolutely furious and determined to destroy him. The only way the Duke can save his family from scandal and the Countess from a divorce is by announcing his engagement to someone else and being married as quickly as possible. He does not meet Venetia before the wedding day as he goes to Scotland to tell his mother, whom he adores, of his marriage. How the Duke, feeling he will be bored with a young and brainless girl, decides they will spend their honeymoon in Paris. How Venetia persuades the Duke that they must be friends until they fall inlove. How it all turns out very differently from what he expected. How they forget when they return to England that the Earl is waiting for his revenge, is all told in this captivating romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.

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Názov: A Virgin Bride (Barbara Cartland s Pink Collection 81) (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK80503

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