knihy, ktorými žijete
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Love of Life is Feeling

Vydavateľ: -
Jazyk: anglický
Formát:Elektronická kniha
Počet strán:66
Poradie vydania:1.
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Vaša predajná cena: 0,80 €
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Obsah knihy: Love of Life is Feeling

This volume in the Books of Happiness trilogy brings the reader quotes on love and on perceiving emotion. Through the quotes and their meaning, one may come to the realization that we ourselves are the sole creators of our lives, that we shape them through thoughts and through how we feel towards ourselves and the very life we are living. One may realize that one may, in fact, make one’s dreams come true, step by step. The beauty of the quotes expresses the essence of a life lived in happiness and the ability to live with emotion and gentleness – all that brings forth the feeling of true happiness in life. The book may become a pleasant little companion on your journey of understanding in life.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Love of Life is Feeling

Originálny názov: Láskou života je cit

Objednávací kód NADBK11655

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