Lost In Time: Roman Threat / Third Reich Rises
Vydavateľ: | - | |
Jazyk: | anglický | |
Formát: | Elektronická kniha | |
Počet strán: | 238 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Vaša predajná cena : | 6,50 € | |
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Obsah knihy: Lost In Time: Roman Threat / Third Reich Rises
Deep in the past, Peter, the man from 20th century who managed to use the Time Gate, come with his friends into the conflict with expansionism of Roman Empire. Cooperating with Greek merchant Orneus and Germanic warriors of Quadi, he faces Romans, plotting intrigues to disassemble Roman army internally and cause open conflict with Roman legions.
In the second story line, Nazi fanatic E. Beck manipulates his trial to get out of prison. First of all, he needs to settle the scores with all who opposed him before. At the same time he tries to find Time Gate again. His goal is clear: to join Hitler and establish Third Reich for the rest of times.
Both lines connect when Peter is sent back to the future to stop Beck, whom managed to find Time Gate and create alternative reality where Germany has won the war and the Third Reich rules a large part of the world. Peter’s arrival starts events which culminate in coordinated rebellion against the Reich.
The novel is follow-up of author’s previous book, but a whole story even by itself. All necessary connections are displayed within the memories of the main characters.
Detaily o knihe
Názov: Lost In Time: Roman Threat / Third Reich Rises
Objednávací kód NADBK11078
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