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The Crow War - Turning Point

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Jazyk: anglický
Formát:Elektronická kniha
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Poradie vydania:1.
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Obsah knihy: The Crow War - Turning Point

My name is Syra and this is how I feel. This is how they wanted me to feel. The City of New York, the year 2211. The world is divided into crows, people and mutants. Arkan, the Creator, who is responsible for release of the crow DNA into the air, the Father of the Three Clans, has fallen unconscious. Somebody has stolen a dangerous vial he had been working on. Who is behind it and who did it? Syra is confused and upset because of the situation that has arisen. Moreover, her step-father Levant was unexpectedly murdered. That’s when she decides to leave the City and revenge Levant’s death. However, she doesn't know where to start and all of a sudden, nothing makes sense anymore. And not only to her but neither to Syra's best friend Darrek who decided to accompany her on her quest for revenge. They both solve mysterious circumstances behind Levant's death and the stolen vial. The situation gets even more complicated when Trivian, Arkan's step-son and Syra's childhood friend, who had suddenly disappeared from her life years ago, re-appears. Will Syra be able to control her feelings for Trivian or will she push them away to focus on her revenge? This is only one of the decisions Syra will have to make. Time is against her and she has to decide fast because the person who has stolen the dangerous vial can use it anytime.

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Názov: The Crow War - Turning Point

Objednávací kód NADBK10404

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