Cleaning the Gold
Vydavateľ: | HarperCollins (Harper Collins Publishers) | |
Formát: | Kniha | |
Vydanie: | 2019/05 | |
Poradie vydania: | 1. | |
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Posledná zmena: 03.03.2025 04:07 |
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Obsah knihy: Cleaning the Gold
Get ready for a turbo-charged short read (80 pages) from two of the world's biggest thriller writers.
Jack Reacher and Will Trent
Twice the action
Twice the drama
Double the trouble
Will Trent is undercover at Fort Knox. His assignment: to investigate a twenty-two-year-old murder. His suspect's name: Jack Reacher.
Jack Reacher is in Fort Knox on his own mission: to bring down a dangerous criminal ring operating at the heart of America's military. Except now Will Trent is on the scene.
But there's a bigger conspiracy at play - one that neither the special agent nor the ex-military cop could have anticipated. And the only option is for Jack Reacher and Will Trent to team up and play nicely. If they can...
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Hodnotenie čitateľov
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Beletria pre dospelých
Cestovanie, mapy
Česká literatúra
Deti do 10 rokov
Deti nad 10 rokov
Fond na podporu umenia
Jazyky, vzdelanie
Literatúra faktu
Odborná literatúra
Populárne náučná pre dospelých
Slovenská literatúra
Darčekové predmety a ostatné
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- Darčekové predmety
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- Ezoterické predmety
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- Hry spoločenské
- Hry vzdelávacie, náučné
- Kalendáre
- Karty
- Kreativita
- Kuchyňa, domácnosť, záhrada
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- Papiernický tovar
- Pexesá
- Puzzle
- Razítka, pečiatky
- Rôzny tovar
- Samolepky
- Školské diáre
- Učebnice
- Výtvarné potreby
- Záložky
- Zdravie, starostlivosť o telo