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P - Dior by YSL

Vydavateľ: Assouline (Marston Book Services Ltd)
Jazyk: anglický
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 07.09.2024 02:58

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Obsah knihy: P - Dior by YSL

Miera a oblasť poškodenia, ohnutých stránok, alebo rozmanitosť môže byť rôzna v závislosti od knihy, zohľadnená ponúkanou zľavou 50%. Vzhľadom k tomu nie je možné na ponúkané tituly uplatniť reklamáciu.

Dior by Yves Saint Laurent is the second volume in an unprecedented series of books devoted to each designer of a couture house, the ultimate compendium of the most memorable haute couture creations conceived and handcrafted by the renowned house of Dior since its inception. Carefully conserved in the world’s great museums and institutions, these fashion treasures have been photographed and exclusively compiled for this indispensable collection.

Of all the great Parisian couture houses, Dior is perhaps the most famous and prestigious in the world, embodying Christian Dior’s sublime vision of femininity, which Saint Laurent elaborated and evolved into the beginning of the tumultuous decade of the 1960s.

Featuring beautiful photographs by Laziz Hamani, this impressive volume encompasses Yves Saint Laurent’s most iconic haute couture designs for the house of Dior, from the Trapeze silhouette of his debut Spring-Summer 1958 collection to the beatnik inspiration for Autumn-Winter 1960. Esteemed fashion journalist Laurence Benaim eloquently recounts details and anecdotes behind more than 30 selected pieces, providing profound insight into Saint Laurent’s inspirations, influences, and vision for the evolution of the house of Dior.

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Názov: P - Dior by YSL

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