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Quiet Leadership: Winning Hearts, Minds and Matches

Vydavateľ: Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.)
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Posledná zmena: 08.03.2025 02:56

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Obsah knihy: Quiet Leadership: Winning Hearts, Minds and Matches

Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Quiet Leadership by Carlo Ancelotti, Chris Brady and Mike Forde. Read by Richard Lumsden. The legendary football coach finally tells his story and reveals his management secrets Carlo Ancelotti is one of the greatest managers of all time. With three Champions League trophies, and multiple league and cup titles from AC Milan to Chelsea to Real Madrid, his record is second to none.Yet Ancelottis managerial approach could not be further from the aggressive theatricals favoured by many of his rivals. Rather than imposing his will on superstar players, he builds team cultures through the relationships he develops - he allows talent to flourish. His understated style has earned him the fierce loyalty of the likes of David Beckham, Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Cristiano Ronaldo.In Quiet Leadership, Ancelotti reveals the full, riveting story of his managerial career - his methods, mentors, mistakes and greatest triumphs. He takes us

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