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I Want My Mum!

Vydavateľ: Andersen Press (Andersen Press)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 19.02.2025 03:00

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Obsah knihy: I Want My Mum!

All day there had been disasters - the water pot went all over the latest painting; the Little Princess fell off the seesaw and banged her knee; and worst of all, there was a monster under the bed that night. The castle had been ringing with the constant shout of 'I Want My Mum!' And Mum always knew exactly the right thing to sort out the problem. But the next day, the incorrigible Little Princess is taken to play with the Little Duchess - and will she miss her mum? Not if she's having a lot of fun! But as for the poor Queen, she does miss her little girl! This title will be perfect for Mother's Day.

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Názov: I Want My Mum!

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