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A Beginner´s Guide To Acting English

Vydavateľ: Ebury Press (Ebury Publishing, an imprint of The Random House Group Limited)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 07.09.2024 02:58

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Obsah knihy: A Beginner´s Guide To Acting English

It's 1977 and life in Iran is becoming unpredictable. The Shah will be overthrown and events are about to take place on the world stage. But for five-year-old Shappi Khorsandi all this means is that she must flee, leaving behind a mad extended Iran clan and everything she has ever known. Shappi and her beloved brother Peyvand arrive with their parents in London - all cold weather and strange food - without a word of English. If adapting to a new culture isn't troubling enough, it soon becomes clear that the Ayatollah's henchmen are in pursuit. With the help of MI5, Shappi's family go into hiding. So apart from checking under the family car for bombs every morning, Shappi's childhood is like any other kids' - swings in the park, school plays, kiss-chase and terrorists. 'An extraordinary story...really funny and warm' Graham Norton

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Názov: A Beginner´s Guide To Acting English

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