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ME.YOU : A Diary

Vydavateľ: Penguin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.)
Počet strán:304
Poradie vydania:1.
Zvyčajne posielame do 8-10 pracovných dní 
Informácie o dostupnosti

Posledná zmena: 21.11.2024 03:02

Predajná cena po prihlásení: 23,32 €
Vaša predajná cena : 27,44 €
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Obsah knihy: ME.YOU : A Diary

One of the Guardian's TOP TEN READS for Christmas'This book is inspired!!!' Nadiya Hussain'[It's] beautiful, like Dawn, and stuffed full of goodies' Jo BrandThis is Dawn French's fabulous new non-fiction book for 2017, and it's totally interactive: take a lovely ramble through the year together with Dawn. Think of it as Dawn's diary, personalized by you . . . perfection. I can't count the amount of diaries I have crammed full with entries in January, that then fizzle out as the other months pile in. One of my teenage diaries has fulsome fizzing reports of every single conversation, thought and feeling about every friend, every crush, every meal, every argument until mid-March, when the entry on the 18th simply reads, 'Washed hair.' Thank god, this isn't that. This book is a way for us to tell the story of a year together. Feel free to write your appointments in it, lists, thoughts and reminders of, say, who to kill, and when, and in what order. But I've also written about age and life as I see it, through the seasons and the months, and I've added some places for you to join me in some fun and some thinking. By the end of the year, I am hoping you will have a fatter, scruffier book that is written by me but totally personalized by you. Come on in. The paper is lovely . . . AND . . . importantly, Me. You: A Diary comes with a practical elastic strap to keep all of your papers safe, with a pocket in the back for storing those special momentoes.'Wreck This Journal meets Dawn French's ruminations on the seasons, ageing and more - this is a companion piece to help you through life itself. A very good idea' Stylist

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Názov: ME.YOU : A Diary

Objednávací kód NA396975

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