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BOSH! : Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants.

Vydavateľ: HarperCollins (Harper Collins Publishers)
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 03.03.2025 04:06

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Obsah knihy: BOSH! : Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants.

Over 100 super easy and outrageously delicious all-plant meals from the world’s biggest and fastest-growing plant-based platform, BOSH! Henry Firth and Ian Theasby are the new faces of exciting plant-based food. Their channel, BOSH!, constantly inspires people to cook ultra-tasty and amazingly simple meals at home – from roasting tray dinners, to one-pot wonders, and posh showstoppers to crazy cocktails – using only plant-based supermarket-friendly ingredients. In BOSH! The Cookbook they share over 100 of their favourite go-to breakfasts, moreish light bites and snacks, filling and hearty dinners and mouthwatering puddings and treats. Whether you are vegan or simply want to incorporate a few meat, dairy and egg-free meals into your week, BOSH! The Cookbook is your ultimate plant-based bible packed with fun, unpretentious and mega satisfying recipes easy enough to be rustled up any night of the week.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: BOSH! : Simple Recipes. Amazing Food. All Plants.

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