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Pushing the Limits : The Two-Time World MotoGP Champion's Own Explosive Story

Vydavateľ: Orion (Orion)
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Posledná zmena: 03.03.2025 04:05

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Obsah knihy: Pushing the Limits : The Two-Time World MotoGP Champion's Own Explosive Story

The two-time World MotoGP champion's own explosive story Showing anything is possible when determination meets talent, two-time World MotoGP champion Casey Stoner shares his incredible journey from Queensland toddler with an extraordinary ability on a motorbike, to his decision to retire at twenty-seven with nothing left to prove. For the first time, he tells of his early family life, the development of his riding skills and why his parents decided to sell everything and travel from Australia to Europe to chase the dream and support his aim to become World Champion when he was only fourteen years old. As fearless with his opinions as he is on the racetrack, Casey includes all the highs and lows of his life so far: the real reason he left for Europe so young, his thoughts on racing as it stands today, the riders' hierarchy, the politics of racing, the importance of family, his battle with illness and why he decided to turn his back on a multimillion-dollar contract when he was still winning. And he will let us in on some of the new goals he has set for himself. PUSHING THE LIMITS is a unique and remarkable account of self-sacrifice and tenacity to succeed against the odds, the uplifting story of a young Australian who took on the world on his terms, his way ...and won.

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