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I'm Your Man - The Life of Leonard Cohen

Vydavateľ: Vintage (Vintage)
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Posledná zmena: 03.03.2025 04:05

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Obsah knihy: I'm Your Man - The Life of Leonard Cohen

Published to coincide with Leonard Cohen's exclusive show at London’s The O2 on Friday 21 June 2013. This book contains exclusive material and interviews making it THE biography to buy on Leonard Cohen - singer-songwriter, musician, poet, and novelist.

The genius behind such classic songs as Suzanne, Bird on the Wire and Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen has been one of the most important and influential songwriters of our time, a man of spirituality, emotion, and intelligence whose work has explored the definitive issues of human life - sex, religion, power, meaning, love.

I'm Your Man explores the facets of Cohen's life. Sylvie Simmons draws on Cohen's private archives and a wealth of interviews with many of his closest associates, colleagues, and other artists whose work he has inspired.

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Názov: I'm Your Man - The Life of Leonard Cohen

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