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Bones of the Lost

Vydavateľ: Slovart CZ (Vydavateľstvo Slovart, spol. s r.o.)
Jazyk: anglický
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 19.02.2025 02:58

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Obsah knihy: Bones of the Lost

This is the gripping new Temperance Brennan novel from the world-class forensic anthropologist and Number 1 bestselling author Kathy Reichs. The body of a teenage girl is discovered along a desolate highway on the outskirts of Charlotte. Inside her purse is the ID card of a local businessman who died in a fire months earlier. Who was the girl? And was she murdered? Dr Temperance Brennan, Forensic Anthropologist, must find the answers. She soon learns that a Gulf War veteran stands accused of smuggling artefacts into the country. Could there be a connection between the two cases? Convinced that the girl's death was no accident, Tempe soon finds herself at the centre of a conspiracy that extends from South America to Afghanistan. But to find justice for the dead, she must be more courageous - and take more extreme action - than ever before.

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Názov: Bones of the Lost

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