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New Horizons 2 Students´s Book with CD pack

Vydavateľ: Oxford University Press (Oxford University Press)
Jazyk: anglický
Poradie vydania:1.
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Posledná zmena: 08.03.2025 02:54

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Obsah knihy: New Horizons 2 Students´s Book with CD pack

New Horizons is a four-level upper secondary course that sets achievable goals and builds confidence.
New Horizons includes 100% new content and updated exam training to prepare students for the B1 school-leaving exam.
A wide range of topics engage teenagers’ interest and provide essential vocabulary. Practical grammar exercises then build students’ confidence in communication.

Key futures
•Brand-new features, fun activities and 100% rewritten texts and exercises
•Clear structure and a moderate pace to suit classes with lower weekly contact hours, or mixed-ability classes
•Dual entry points at levels 1 and 2 mean that students can work towards the B1 exam at their own pace
•Updated and systematic exam training in levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the different requirements of their school-leaving exams
•Language review at the end of every two units recycles and revises language as the course progresses

Detaily o knihe

Názov: New Horizons 2 Students´s Book with CD pack

Objednávací kód -

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Výber žánrov

Beletria pre dospelých 

Cestovanie, mapy 

Česká literatúra 

Deti do 10 rokov 

Deti nad 10 rokov 

Fond na podporu umenia 

Jazyky, vzdelanie 

Literatúra faktu 

Odborná literatúra 

Populárne náučná pre dospelých 

Slovenská literatúra 

Darčekové predmety a ostatné 

Hovorené slovo 

Hudobné CD 

Knihy na počúvanie 

Počítačové hry a aplikácie 

