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Gordon Ramsay´s Ultimate Home Cooking (anglicky)

Vydavateľ: Slovart CZ (Vydavateľstvo Slovart, spol. s r.o.)
Jazyk: anglický
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Posledná zmena: 24.11.2024 04:08

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Obsah knihy: Gordon Ramsay´s Ultimate Home Cooking (anglicky)

Delicious and simple recipes from one of Britain's greatest chefs.
'My rules are simple. Home cooking has to be easy. It got to be fast. It's got to be delicious. If you think you can't cook amazing food at home, think again. I'm going to prove that however busy you are it's still possible to cook stunning food. These are the only recipes you'll ever need.'

Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Home Cooking is a collection of over 120 delicious new recipes that are infused with Gordon's expertise and skill gleaned from his years in professional kitchens. Divided into chapters to see you through the whole day from weekday breakfasts through to Saturday night dinners, the book is all about the pleasure of cooking and sharing the very best home-cooked food with family and friends.

Biographical Notes
Gordon set up his first restaurant in 1998 which quickly received the most prestigious accolade in the culinary world - three Michelin stars. Gordon was awarded an OBE in 2006 for services to the industry. He lives with his wife and four children in South London.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Gordon Ramsay´s Ultimate Home Cooking (anglicky)

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