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Craic Baby (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Craic Baby (EN)

When we talk about saving or supporting a language do we mean the musical combination of syllables, or something more profound?How do new words enter a language, and what is the relationship between that strange dialect called Hiberno-English and its parent language?'Craic Baby' picks up exactly where 'Motherfoclóir' left off and explores the very new and very old parts of the Irish language from a personal perspective. While 'Motherfoclóir' was steeped in memory and a father-son relationship, 'Craic Baby' hinges on the beginnings of a father-daughter relationship, and how watching a child learn to communicate changes how you think about language.'Craic Baby' will share more Irish words and issues connected to the language, in the same style as 'Motherfoclóir', but treated with greater confidence and more depth.From the author of the bestselling 'Motherfoclóir', and winner of the Non-fiction of "Irish Book of the Year", "Craic Baby" will fasscinate those who loved "The Etymologicon" and "The Lost Words".

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Craic Baby (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK107240

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