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Sing Me a Secret (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Sing Me a Secret (EN)

The four Sutherland sisters have all had very different paths in life, but one secret and a slighty tense production of 'Jesus Christ Superstar' are about to bring them all back together again...When the news that pop-superstar Lexia Sutherland is returning to Westenbury, not everyone is thrilled by the news – including Lexia. There are too many memories she doesn't need to face – or need re-surfacing.Meanwhile, Juno Sutherland just wants a little peace and quiet. As the local village doctor, she's got her priorities in order; kids, job, husband, tenacious pony, a role in the village musical...So when the sexy new locum turns up – and steals her office – the last thing she needed was to be hit with rising temperatures and an over-active imagination.Will these sisters be able to uncover the past, deal with the future and put on the performance of a lifetime?

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Názov: Sing Me a Secret (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106878

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