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The House of Marvelous Books (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The House of Marvelous Books (EN)

Tucked away in a near-derelict library in the center of London, The House of Marvellous Books is a publishing house on the brink of financial disaster.With assistant Ursula asleep at her desk, head publisher Gerard going health and safety mad, and chief editor Drusilla focused on finding a supposedly priceless but famously missing manuscript, there is hardly anyone left to steer the ship. Young Mortimer Blackley, assistant editor, charts the descent of the House in his logbook as it lurches from one failure to the next.Will mysterious Russian buyers, lurking in the wings, stop the ship from sinking at great cost to all? Or will Drusilla find the legendary Daybreak Manuscript and save the day?With witty and sharp observations, Fiona Vigo Marshall draws upon a career spent working in small publishing houses to create a laugh-out-loud ode to the publishing industry. ´The House of Marvellous Books´ will delight those interested in books about books, such as ´Book Lovers´ and ´The Hating Game´.

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Názov: The House of Marvelous Books (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106685

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