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Stuck on You (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Stuck on You (EN)

Can a chance encounter lead to a blossoming romance? At last, it's the day of the interview, and Sara absolutely must get the job. It's been two years since she graduated, and she's not had much luck in her personal or professional life. Much to her dismay, she is desperately late, teetering on her heels, soaking wet and out of breath by the time she arrives at the offices of ´Inside Look´ magazine. Things are going from bad to worse and when the receptionist tells her the job has already been given to someone else, Sara tries to slip away without being noticed. But she finds herself stuck in the lift with none other than the dazzling model Daniel Gant. After being thrown together by chance, Sara can't believe it when Daniel wants to see her again. Is her luck beginning to change?A hilarious love story for anyone in search of a happy ending, ´Stuck on You´ is perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Lindsey Kelk. What readers are saying about ´Stuck on You´: "I loved this novel - the perfect love story" "Wonderful!" "A beautiful modern fairytale. Sweet, carefree...Perfect!"-Patricia Mar was born in Ravenna. Her great passions have always been writing and reading. She never leaves home without a book in her handbag. ´Stuck on You´, her first novel, was originally self-published and has been a bestseller in Italy.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Stuck on You (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106449

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