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The Single Mums' Secrets (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Single Mums' Secrets (EN)

Everyone's got secrets... but not everyone can keep them!Recently widowed Louise is facing life as a single mum of three. As her sister Christa keeps telling her, the tragic accident that claimed the life of her husband was just that: an accident. So why does she feel so guilty?At long last, Carl's winning the battle against his demons; he's in therapy, he has a new girlfriend, and he loves life in The Mews where he's surrounded by friends who feel like family. But then he gets some news that will change his life forever... Christa can't have kids and she's okay with that – even though her (ex)boyfriend suddenly isn't. A one-night stand with her gorgeous neighbour Carl is the perfect way to move on... until it results in a shocking surprise. If she's going to face her new future head-on, Christa must finally deal with a long-buried secret from her past... but she's going to need all the help she can get. Can the residents of The Mews pull together to make sure everyone gets their happy ending? Will these single mums be able to move on from life in the mansion? Perfect for fans of Marian Keyes, Sophie Kinsella, Lindsey Kelk, and Mhairi McFarlane. -Janet Hoggarth has worked on a chicken farm, as a bookseller, children's book editor and DJ with her best friend (under the name of Whitney and Britney). She has published several children's books, the most recent ones written under the pseudonym of Jess Bright. Her first adult novel ´The Single Mums' Mansion´, which was a huge bestseller, was based on her experiences of living communally as a single parent.

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Názov: The Single Mums' Secrets (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106448

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