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Boat Troop: An SAS Thriller (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Boat Troop: An SAS Thriller (EN)

War is dangerous in itself but when someone is at war with themselves at the same time, it becomes even more dangerous. Within two weeks of the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands, four men of Boat Troop, B Squadron, 22 SAS, are on the islands too. It is the mission of these four men to gather vital intelligence, with Argentine patrols everywhere. The rest of B Squadron are tasked with a suicide mission -- an attack on the Argentine airbase in the mainland. In charge is a man unafraid to risk the lives of his men in search of greater personal glory.Perfect for fans of Alex Shaw, L. T. Ryan and Chris Ryan.-Johnny "Two Combs" Howard is a bestselling author of three books based on his experiences in the Regiment. Following his military career, John worked in a variety of leadership and management roles in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa. He assisted in the successful release of 16 expatriate hostages in Sierra Leone and was team leader of the Families' Security Detail for the Saudi Ambassador to the United States. He was the lead mentor for emerging Iraqi Special Operations Units in Baghdad, lead instructor for the US Department of State Anti Terrorism Assistance Program in Indonesia, and chief instructor for the Special Operations Group in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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Názov: Boat Troop: An SAS Thriller (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106222

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