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The House of Love and Dreams (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The House of Love and Dreams (EN)

An old house, a secret heartbreak, a second chance at love.Lizzie Greene is about to lose everything when her husband suddenly dies and his debts come to light.To make ends meet she opens up her quirky old house to be used as a set for a film based on a bestselling romance novel.Her life and household are turned upside down when a whole cast of colourful characters enters her family's lives: from an enigmatic author, a handsome location scout, a brooding director, to a heart-throb leading man, never mind her now ex-mother-in-law camped out in her drive.As Lizzie delves deeper into the film's book, all is not as it seems...Will her desire to save her house and unravel the secrets of the past lead to new love, or to mortal danger?A must-read for summer - a heartwarming story of love and second chances. Perfect for the fans of Jane Costello and Lucy Dillon.What readers are saying:"An enchanting and engrossing read that I highly recommend and, if you have not yet read Lauren Westwood's books, then what on earth are you waiting for?" - Bookish Jottings."A delightfully charming tale that is heartfelt and genuine and reminds us that good things can happen if you believe in yourself, stay open-minded, and be excited for whatever comes next" - What's Better Than Books?"A story full of twists and turns, captivating and absorbing. I loved it" - Sibzzreads.-Lauren Westwood writes romantic women's fiction and is also an award-winning children's writer. Originally from California, she now lives in England in a pernickety old house built in 1602, with her partner and three daughters.

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Názov: The House of Love and Dreams (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106220

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