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Secrets and Lies (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Secrets and Lies (EN)

When everyone else is lying to him, she's the only person he can trust. But how can he be honest with her when his lies are the only thing keeping her safe...?Ambitious middleman Conor Baxter is determined to become his own master. He's done being an enforcer for the worst scum of London's gangland scene. This world is all he's ever known, but he has plans. Big plans. But pulling it off will mean partnering with some very scary people indeed...He's just getting started when he meets beautiful barmaid Ella Dawson. Ella's a good girl, but there's something about Conor that catches her attention. Maybe it's his bright blue eyes, his confident, charming swagger, or that he's a bit older and treats her like a princess. Whatever it is, there's one thing for certain: falling in love with a man like Conor is dangerous.And when Ella gets tangled up in Conor's shady deals, it's not just her heart that's at risk...Perfect for fans of Caz Finlay, Martina Cole and Jacqui Rose.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Secrets and Lies (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106136

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