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The Quiet Ones (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Quiet Ones (EN)

Oonagh O'Neil is back with another gloomy and heart-wrenching investigation. When the supposed suicide of famous Scottish football coach Harry Nugent hits the headlines, the tabloids are filled with tributes to a charitable pillar of the community that gave so much back to sport and to those less fortunate. But something isn't right.Normally celebrities are queuing up to claim to have had a very special relationship with the deceased, but investigative journalist Oonagh O'Neil is getting the distinct impression that people are trying to distance themselves from Harry.Oonagh's investigation leads her to uncover a heartbreakingly haunting cover-up that chills her to the core... and places her in mortal danger from those willing to protect their sadistic and dark secrets at any cost...A gritty and gripping thriller, ´The Quiet Ones´ is perfect for fans of Patricia Gibney, Angela Marsons, and Cara Hunter.

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Názov: The Quiet Ones (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106135

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