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The Year of Starting Over (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: The Year of Starting Over (EN)

Last year was meant to be when Holly got her happy-ever-after. But stuck in a job that’s going nowhere, and a relationship that feels more like it’s going backwards... this year Holly has decided it’s time to change her life. She just has to:End the relationship with the commitment-phobic boyfriendGo on a proper adventureLearn to be herself againDefinitely, categorically not fall in love.Cramming her belongings into her little yellow Mini, Holly drives to Spain to stay near a beautiful village in the Andalusian hills. But the day she arrives she nearly crashes her car into the gorgeous Matias on a motorbike. Much to Holly's irritation, their paths keep crossing.As she starts to learn Spanish from the locals, lays plans for her design business, and sips sangria in the sunlit village square, Holly begins to remember who she is and what she wants.So she won’t allow herself be distracted by Matias. Because this year, there are more important things in life than love. And she won’t let yet another bad relationship ruin everything... will she?A moving and uplifting romantic comedy about living each moment and learning to trust yourself again. For fans of Jenny Hale, Debbie Macomber, and Sophie Kinsella.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: The Year of Starting Over (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106108

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