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Something Quite Beautiful (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Something Quite Beautiful (EN)

Seven powerful, gripping short stories from bestselling author, Amanda Prowse. If you have not discovered Amanda Prowse yet you are in for a real treat...Full of incident and real characters' Rascals of London Collection includes: "Something Quite Beautiful", "The Game", "Ten Pound Ticket", "Imogen's Baby", "Miss Potterton's Birthday Tea", "A Christmas Wish" and "Mr Portobollo's Morning Paper".Susie has just arrived in Australia. She is clutching a newborn baby, but she has no wedding ring on her left hand. With no money, and no hope, how can she turn her life around? Gemma Peters, a happy-go-lucky teenager has disappeared without trace. Where has she gone? Why has she been lying to her family? And, most importantly, will she ever come home?Twenty-four-year-old Imogen longs for a baby. She knows it's hard to raise a child alone, but Imogen is also blind. Can she overcome life's challenges and have the baby she longs for?Funny, heart-warming and moving, these seven short stories are the perfect excuse for a bit of me-time.

Detaily o knihe

Názov: Something Quite Beautiful (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106107

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