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Encore (EN)

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Obsah stiahnuteľnej elektronickej audioknihy: Encore (EN)

She spent a decade dreaming of him. He'll risk the work of a lifetime to be with her. Trapped in a thankless job with a manipulative boss, Elise craves excitement. Fate intervenes when she gets a call from her former tutor, Armand, informing her of a keyboardist vacancy with the band Vixen's Wail. At the sound of Armand's voice, the desires she has held at bay for ten years come crashing back. Armand was always the stern, mysterious subject of her fantasies; older, wealthy, and with a husky body built for filling door frames. But as Armand opens up to Elise, she finds the reality of the man far better and so much more vulnerably human than she ever imagined.Virtuoso, mogul, and suspected vampire...Unfortunately, for a man whose life revolves around music and bands, Armand craves quiet and solitude. But that changes when gifted and beautiful Elise walks back into his life and he quickly finds himself unable to keep his eyes, or his thoughts, from her. With Vixen's Wail competing for his financial support, it becomes impossible to avoid Elise and even harder to pretend he doesn't crave her. As business and pleasure become entangled, feelings Armand thought he was no longer capable of clouding his judgement. Giving into their desires could cost his and Elise's reputation in the music industry, and destroy the chances of Vixen's Wail ever being considered a legitimate success.Then again, love is worth risking it all for.The fourth book in the ´Vixen Rock´ series, ´Encore´ is a captivating and steamy romance, and is ideal for fans of Rebel Carter and Talia Hibbert.-Marie Lipscomb is a romance author from the north of England. Now based in the USA where she lives with her husband, Marie first fell in love with storytelling when she studied creative writing at the University of Cumbria. Her stories are full of unlikely heroes, fantastical elements, and steamy romance. She is the author of the ‘Hearts of Blackmere’ and ‘Vixens Rock’ series.

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Názov: Encore (EN)

Objednávací kód NADBK106034

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